Article marketing is a simple way to promote affiliate product easily. With article marketing, you’re able to educate your audience regarding the product that you promote. In fact, if you want to promote affiliate product with simple article marketing method, you don’t need to have a blog or a website at all.
Here’s the step-by-step instruction to make easy affiliate sales with simple article marketing method:
1. Choose a bestseller product
If you’re just starting out, it is better for you to promote a product that is proven to convert. It will make your job easier. It will be easier for you to generate sales for a bestseller product instead of a new product. What you need to do is to find the best product to promote, according to your interest. Use Clickbank if you are a newbie. This is the best affiliate network for you. Next, grab your affiliate link. You will need this link for the next step.
2. Buy a domain name and redirect it to your affiliate link
The next step is to buy a .com domain name (cost only less than $10/year) and redirect your domain name to your affiliate link. If you can’t do this yourself, you can ask the customer service department of your domain registrar to help you. This step is important because you will use this domain to promote your chosen affiliate product. Why using .com? That’s because .com naturally have credibility and people are more inclined to visit .com domain name rather than .info or .us or .net domain. Choose the name of your domain name as interesting as possible. Use name such as mysecretweightlosstip.com or something similar.
3. Write 3 articles per day, and submit your articles to Ezine Articles
Using Ezine Articles is not the only way to publish your articles. However, this is the biggest article directory. You have lots more potential traffic using this site rather than using other article directories. Start with 3 articles per day to submit to this article directory. Use catchy title every time you write your articles. Also, use lists and sub-headings to make your articles easier to read.
4. Catch your visitors with captivating resource box
Your resource box should be interesting enough to persuade your readers to visit your website. Since you’re redirecting your domain name directly to the sales page, you will have more traffic that will convert well. However, before you can persuade your visitors to visit your website, you have to create a good resource box. There are 3 things that you can do to create a good resource box.
- Use question – Question will naturally make your readers curious to find out more information. Simply ask your readers a question in your resource box, and you will effectively lead them to your website.
- Use if/then – You can use something like this: “if you want to lose your weight quickly, visit my website below to find out more information.”
- Use invitation – Invite your readers to learn more information about the solution of their problem by asking them to visit your website.
Now, do the math. If you’re able to direct at least 100 unique visitors to your merchant’s sales page from your 3 articles, and the sales page has conversion rate of 2%, then you will at least have 2 sales per day. If your commission is $20 per sale, then you’ll have earning of $40 per day or $1200 per month. Not a bad deal, eh?
Author Bio:
Rajkumar Jonnala likes to write about topics on IT, Science and Technology related to cable label and cable floor cover.
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